Featured Publication
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Montessori Education
Angela Murray (Anthology Editor), Eva-Maria Tebano Ahlquist (Anthology Editor), Maria McKenna (Anthology Editor), Mira Debs (Anthology Editor)
Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was an Italian physician, anthropologist, and educator known around the world for her educational philosophy and pedagogy. Her work established educational environments tailored to the child where autonomy and independence are encouraged within thriving and respectful communities. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Montessori Education is an accessible resource tracing Montessori education from its historical roots to current scholarship and contemporary issues of culture, social justice, and environmentalism. Divided into six sections the handbook encompasses a range of topics related to Maria Montessori and Montessori education including foundations and evolution of the field; key writings; pedagogy across the lifespan; scholarly research; global reach; and contemporary considerations such as gender, inclusive education, race, and multilingualism. Written by scholars and practitioners based in over 20 countries, this is the go-to reference work for anyone interested in Montessori education.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Trainor, A., Morningstar, M., & Murray, A. (2016). Characteristics of transition planning and services for students with high-incidence disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, Vol. 39(2) 113–124.
- Trainor, A. T., Murray, A. K., & Kim, H. J. (2016). English learners with disabilities in high school: Population characteristics, transition programs, and postschool outcomes. Remedial and Special Education, (in press).
- Morningstar, M. E., Trainor, A. A., & Murray, A. K. (2015). Examining outcomes associated with adult life engagement for young adults with high incidence disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 43(3).
- Morningstar, M. E., Lee, H., Lattin, D. L., & Murray, A. K. (2015). An evaluation of the technical adequacy of a revised measure of Quality Indicators of Transition Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Children.
- Trainor, A. A., Morningstar, M., Murray, A., & Kim, H. (2013). Social capital during the postsecondary transition for young adults with high incidence disabilities. Prevention Researcher, 20(2), 7-10.
- Debs, M., de Brouwer, J., Murray, A. K., Lawrence, L., Tyne, M., & von der Wehl, C. (2022). Global diffusion of Montessori schools: A report from the 2022 Global Montessori Census. Journal of Montessori Research, 8(2), 1–15.
- Murray, A. K., Miller, M., Postlewaite, E., and Clark, K. (2022). Applying Montessori principles in an undergraduate marketing class: A case study. Frontiers in Education, 7.
- Murray, A. K., Daoust, C. J., & Mallett, J. (2021). Designing the Montessori Coaching Tool Elementary Rubric for Early Career Professional Development. Journal of Montessori Research, 7(2), 25-61.
- Murray, A. K., Davis, D., & Ellerbeck, S. (2021). Montessori education in Kansas City, Missouri from 1988-2005: Race, the Dottoressa and the Pink Tower. American Educational History Journal, 48(1). 43-63.…;
- Murray, A. K., Brown, K., & Barton, P. (2021). Montessori education at a distance, Part 1: A Survey of Montessori educators’ response to a global pandemic. Journal of Montessori Research, 7(1), 1–29.
- Murray, A. K., Brown, K., & Barton, P. (2021). Montessori education at a distance, Part 2: A mixed methods examination of Montessori educators’ response to a global pandemic. Journal of Montessori Research, 7(1), 31–50.
- Murray, A. K., Casquejo Johnston, L. M., Sabater, A. & Clark, K. (2020). Hidden Black voices in the history of Montessori education. American Educational History Journal, 47(2), 205-221.
- Murray, A. K., Daoust, C. J., & Chen, J. (2019). Developing instruments to measure Montessori instructional practices. Journal of Montessori Research, 5(1).
- Laski, E. V., Jor’dan, J. R, Daoust, C, & Murray, A.K. (2015). What makes mathematics manipulatives effective? Lessons from cognitive science and Montessori education. SAGE Open, 5(2).
- Murray, A. K. (2011). Montessori elementary philosophy reflects current motivation theories. Montessori Life, 23(1).
- Murray, A. K., Bagby, J., & Sulak, T. (2010). Research 101: Understanding educational research. Montessori Life, 22(4), p. 35-39.
- Murray, A. K., & Peyton, V. (2008). Public Montessori elementary schools: A delicate balance. Montessori Life, 20(4), p. 26-30.
- Lee, J. C. (2022). Towards an antiracist classroom formative assessment framework. Educational Assessment 27(2), 179-186.
- Lee, J. C. (2021). ITEMS Digital Module 24: Assessment literacy. Educational Measurement: Issue & Practice 40(2), 108-109.
Selected Presentations and Papers
- Murray, A. K., and Lee, J. C. (2023). Leveraging Learner Agency to Support Practices for Trauma-Informed Teaching: Lessons from Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, Project-Based Learning and the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 2023.
- Murray, A. K., & Curenton, S. (2021). Co-Host for Racial Justice and Equity in Montessori Research Virtual Conference, AERA Montessori SIG.
- Murray, A. K., Daoust, C. J., Amos, A., & Chen, J. (2019). Dimensions of Fidelity in a Constructivist Classroom. AERA Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, April 2019.
- Murray, A. K., & Baker-Powers, J. (2018). Building kind and caring school communities: Lessons from Montessori early childhood education. Academy for Educational Studies Critical Questions in Education Symposium, Kansas City, MO.
- Murray, A. K., Frey, B., Baker-Powers, J., Matthews, E., Prendergast, P., & Steinle, M. (2018). Classroom Assessment Perspectives from Progressive Education: Panelists from Montessori, Reggio Emilia-inspired and Waldorf schools. Conference Session at the NCME 2018 Special Conference, Lawrence, KS.
- Murray, A. K., Lee, J. C., Baker-Powers, J., Dryer, D., Hosek, L., Holtzclaw, E. P., Klocke, K. (2017). The Montessori Approach to Classroom Assessment. Conference Session at the NCME 2017 Special Conference, Lawrence, KS.
- Murray, A. K., & Hughes, S. J. (2017, July). Montessori researcher panel discussion. Conference session presented at the International Montessori Congress, Prague Czech Republic, August 2017.